Friday, January 26, 2007


Apparently the RETRO version of the long awaited Foamposite One are set to drop this saturday at urban accounts. I guess for those who never got a chance to own these or want to own them again.. this is a good thing. But i have to admit, this erks me a bit. why? well.. i paid a pretty penny pickin up the originals on ebay just last year!! DOH! i was under the impression that nike destroyed the original mold to the ONES and were only going to produce FOAM PROS from here on out. Guess they decided to make a new one. i mean why not right? hmm... can we expect to see the ONES in nutty colours in the near future? i'll wait for the orange ones to come out.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Paper to Canvas

Check out Seth Balliet's site. Nice portraits. Dood must have incredible patience.. those pieces look like they took a while to complete.

Dream Reality

The dream I had this morning was like I was watching a movie. The movie that was playing was a documentary about marketing. I know, I know.. whata NERD. But hey, to me this documentary was super interesting and it felt so specific. Everything worked and was attention grabbing right down to the commentary and even the soundtrack. The music is still playing in my head. The segment that I happened to catch was this bit that they were doing on Nike. They even had a spokesperson from Nike talk for a while about some of the aggressive marketing tactics they've used in the past and also about some of the things that they do now. He also spoke a bit about mash culture and some of the things they've gotten particular artists to do. Dang, I wish I was taking notes!! Cuz apparently I can't seem to remember the specific and important stuff!! Anyway, while the spokesperson was talking, the visuals were of New York streets that were littered of advertisements. Print and motion. The camera work and editing followed the comments and there was a part where he was comparing a Nike ad that was put up just 2 weeks ago to this ad by Lugz just down the block that was just put up that very day. The point that was made was that the ads might have had completely different products or content, but the art direction was the same.

Its strange, I always find that in my dreams, the dialogue and the overall understanding of specific subjects is SO MUCH better than what I seem to know in real life. There are words being used in my dreams that you would never hear me say in real life. I don't get it. I think some people may write better than they can speak, whereas some speak better than they write. I just happen to dream better than I do both.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Next Level

This is truly inspiring apparel design. When I was in 4th year, i thought if i were in ID (industrial design) instead of CD (communication design) i would design a fused backpack/messenger bag. I wanted it to have super functional features. A backpack because it offers better support for the shoulders and back and then with function that it could convert to a messenger bag that you could swing to the front of you so that it would be accessible. You could just grab yer ish without actually having to take off the bag like you would using just a regular backpack. I also thought i would try to incorporate this bag to be functional with a jacket or windbreaker... but i could never really completely invision it. This little video of this jacket/bag is so great. It totally inspires me. I've told myself that if i ever go back to school it would be for ID or fashion design. I've always had dreams to design footwear and/or athletic apparel and accessories including backpacks, bags and other packs.. like the ones headporter makes. We'll see... maybe one day this could be an endeavour that will actually come into fruition. First things first though, gotta master this illustration and graphic design stuff!

Use the mouth.

You gotta listen to the whole thing.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Master Procrastinator

I've left my job for about 4 and a half months now and one of the major reasons why I left was so that I could start personal ventures and find out exactly what I really want to do for the rest of my life career-wise. Well, after a few freelance projects, I've really found out a bunch of things about myself.

The truth is, I'm really not ready to start a business on my own. There are some fundamental things about my character that I need to change or improve before I can be a professional. And the first thing that I'm going to tackle is PROCRASTINATION. I believe I've had this problem for a long time now, but perhaps never so prevailent in a specified situation. What I mean is, for exapmle, it was never a HUGE problem while at work, sure I was late on occassion, but it didn't affect my overall performance. I am a great employee. But on the flip side, procrastination has become the fundamental problem to my struggles as a freelance designer.

Up til now, I really haven't regarded this to be such a serious thing, that it'll just pass, and I'll adapt naturally. But then I read this from wikipedia:

Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task and is often linked to perfectionism. For the person procrastinating this may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of productivity, the creation of crisis, and the chagrin of others for not fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments. While it is normal for individuals to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.

The psychological causes of procrastination vary greatly, but generally surround issues of anxiety, low sense of self-worth and a self-defeating mentality. Procrastinators are also thought to have a higher-than-normal level of conscientiousness, more based on the "dreams and wishes" of perfection or achievement in contrast to a realistic appreciation of their obligations and potential.[2]

Man, when I read this, I thought, "there should be a picture of ME on this page." Theres more on this page too: and its ALL on point.

Okay, so I acknowledge it and accept it. I Richard Koh have a problem.

So what's the next step? I'm going to stop it. Well, eventually anyways as I'm sure this will take some time. Oh gosh, I'm already procrastinating!! But for real, I really need to make a change and improve myself. My career is only one of my motivators as this is also going to improve my relationships, friendships, health, money, and many other aspects of my life.

All right, time to read this:

I'll have updates of the activities I will take on to learn new behaviours and pattern shift.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time to move on...

well... here are the last of them... not gonna post anymore holiday pics. I think i'll post the majority of party or album style pics on shutterfly next time. I can upload way more at a time, and it's faster.



I think they're looking at a pic from last night... in bed.

Blow it Vince, blow it.

Danny and Ashmeeta on the LOOOOVE seat.


Alas it all comes to an end.... thanks for the good times y'all!

Just getting warmed up...

I'm definitely new at blogging and had a bunch of difficulty adding some images. There's this huge delay, i'm still not sure whats going on. anyway.. here are some more highlights:

Danny and me cookin up a storm...

Xmas morning at my bro and sis in law's place.

Baby Angie checkin her gift from her Unkle Dick and Aunty B-Girl.

Opening gifts is FUN.

Look at all those gifts!!

Good eatin durin the holidays.

Num chuk skills.

dang, once again i can't upload anymore pics... i just have a few more...

Holiday hang over.

Woke up on January 1st with a NASTY hang over. I don't think i've fully recovered to be honest with you. Is it really over? Well the 06 holiday season was as busy as ever. Good good times with good good people. Here are some highlights:

Unkle Boon.
Mark, Nuke, and Baby Zoe checkin out the annual trinity street christmas light contest.
Trying to stop Bern from eating that house.

Derrick likes.
Rex trying to figure out what 789300 divided by 65 is.
Danny being PWNed!!! Whata NEWB
Dru's the Billionaire and Vince is his Kool Guy buddy.
Evs, Myself, Nel, and Johnny hangin out at Shawns place.


Did up some Ninja shirts for friends and family this last xmas.
I'm glad you guys like them!

Another really nice Sony ad.
Look at the pretty colours...

Really really nice sony ad.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ultimate to do list...

I turned 29 this past December.. time to make a list of 30 things to do before i'm 30. I'll post my list soon. For now, here's the list Ami James of Miami Ink made:

30. GET A TATTOO — Ami offers the following three rules for getting a tattoo.

1. Make sure that whatever you’re going to get tattooed is something that you put a lot of thought into.

2. It's one thing to get your kid’s name tattooed, but remember tattoos last a lot longer than romance.

3. Don’t get tattooed for anyone else, get tattooed for you.


28. RIDE A ROLLERCOASTER — Ami recommends the following coasters to try:For loops, try the Colossus at Thorpe Park, England. The Colossus has an awesome 10 loops in its tail.
For speed, the Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey is the world’s fastest and tallest roller coaster.

27. PAY TRIBUTE TO THE GODS OF ROCK AND ROLL — If you love music or just want to know more about the greats, then take a pilgrimage to the places where their presence can still be felt. Places to visit:Kurt Cobain’s house in Seattle, Wash.Jim Morrison’s grave in ParisJohn Lennon’s memorial at Strawberry Fields in New York Joshua Trees in Nevada desert (made famous by U2)The Abbey Road crossroads in London


25. TRY THE FINER THINGS IN LIFE — Live it up by ordering a Magie Noir cocktail. This ultimate treat is made by the mixologists at London’s Umbaba bar. With a shot of Hennessy aged cognac, a measure of Dom Perignon vintage champagne, and a dash of Crème de Mure, the Magie Noir is officially the world’s most expensive cocktail at $620.


23. JUMP — At 216 meters off the ground, the Bloukrans Bridge bungee jump in South Africa is the highest bungee jump in the world. If you want to do something safer that still packs an adrenaline punch, try Scad Diving — it’s the only way to jump 150 feet with no ropes or parachutes to protect your fall.



20. VEGAS — Everyone should hit Vegas at least once before they turn 30.

19. ROCK ‘TIL YOU DROP — The music that you love during your younger years is the music that you’ll love forever. Crowd Surfing is a great way to share your love with the rest of the crowd. It’s also a great way to get the best view of your favorite band.

18. COME FACE TO FACE WITH MOTHER NATURE — It’s dangerous, risky, and sometimes deadly but if you want to look Mother Nature straight in the eye, then storm chasing has got to be on the list.
Tornado Alley, located on the Great Plains stretching from central Texas to the Canadian border, sees most of the high-speed wind action. To be successful, go in late summer.

17. VISIT FAMOUS FICTIONAL LOCATIONS OR CELEBRITY WATCH — Grab a cup of coffee in Tom’s Restaurant, the place made famous by Seinfeld. Or, go to Mann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, wait in line at a premiere and have your autograph book ready.



14. TAKE A ROAD TRIP — The road trip is the only way to really experience all that our vast country has to offer. Try one of these routes the next time you're in the mood for wide, open spaces.

Border to Border From North to South, Highway 93 will take you from the Columbia Icefields all the way to Arizona. On this trip, don’t miss the Neon Museum Boneyard outside Vegas. Coast to Coast US–50 will take anyone brave enough to attempt this 3,200 mile monster road trip right across the country from East to West. After that humungous drive, de-stress and wind down with Grateful Dead fans in San Francisco’s hippy Haight neighborhood. Or, try driving from Chicago to Los Angeles on America's famous Route 66. For neon lights, an overload of classic Americana, and a whole heap of trucks and trailers go for Route 66.

13. BECOME A WINE BUFF — Here are Ami's three rules to ordering wine:

1. Your wine should normally match your meal. Remember, white goes with light. This means if you’re eating light flavors like chicken or fish, go for the white wine. Red goes with dark, so always pair red wine with red meat and highly spiced foods.

2. Get the right temperature. Keep white wine in the refrigerator and keep red wine at room temperature. Pink wine should be cold and sparkling wine even colder.

3. Like what you drink and drink what you like.

12. AVOID LOOKING OLD — Ami suggests the following tips for keeping that youthful glow.

1. Plenty of water inside and outside.

2. For men, keep your weapons sharp and clean. A blunt razor will rip clumps of skin off your face and speed up the aging process.

3. Give your skin regular pampering.

11. PARTY WITH THE BEST IN THE WORLD — Want to really party?

Try one of these locations picked by Ami:Ibiza, SpainOktoberfest in Munich, Germany Carnival in Rio, Brazil Miami, USA


9. MASTER THE WEDDING TOAST — Chances are you will be asked to give a wedding toast before you turn 30, but make sure you've actually mastered it before the big event. Use Ami's tips as a guide.

1. The Vegas rule (what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas) applies everywhere — especially in a wedding toast! No one wants to hear your old college stories when the focus should be on the happy couple. Edit yourself.

2. Keep it short and sweet no matter how much history there is between friends.



6. SINK OR SWIM — Get up close and personal with the largest, most deadly, most intelligent, and the most colorful creatures in the sea. Ami suggests the following locations:

The Great Barrier Reef located off the Queensland, Australia is the world’s largest coral reef and considered one of the seven modern natural wonders of the world. Covering an area of 23,200 square kilometers — that makes it about half the size of Texas — the Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 1,500 species of fish.

There are less than a handful of locations in the world where you can swim with whales. Located in the southern Pacific Ocean is the island of Vava’u in Tonga, where whales teach their newborn calves the ways of the ocean. This is a perfect place to come face-to-face with a 40-ton mother and her baby.

Cage diving in waters populated by the most deadly predator in the ocean is an experience every underwater explorer should have. Despite their fearsome reputation Great White Sharks can be shy and are difficult to find in the wild. So head for the waters around Dyer Island near Cape Town, South Africa for some guaranteed Great White action.

5. BACKPACK — Traveling the world, broadening your mind, and generally having the best holiday of your life is what backpacking is all about. Check out some of Ami's favorite spots.

Cambodia — home of empty beaches, huge rivers, dense forests, and most famously the Ancient Temples of Angkor Wat. Mysterious and amazing these temples were only recently rescued from the jungle that had grown over them.

Peru — The best reason to travel to Peru is to make like the Inca and visit their legendary 600 year old city of Machu Picchu.

China — Built nearly 2,000 years ago and stretching for 6,400 kilometers, the Great Wall of China remains a construction marvel today.

India — You can’t claim to have visited India properly without setting eyes on the Taj Mahal. Come at sunset to see the white marble slowly turn from gold, to pink, then red, and finally blue. Everyone should find the time at some point to throw a few things in a bag and see the world.



2. PUSH YOURSELF — Test yourself by entering one of these world famous competitions:
The London marathon is the largest modern race in the world, so join the 40,000 other runners and see if you can go the 26.2 mile distance.

If a regular marathon seems pretty tame, why not really push yourself and take part in the annual Iron Man competition. Wannabe Iron Men start off with a 2.4 mile swim, followed by a 112 mile bike race, and then they finish off with a full marathon.

Today the really hardcore competitors are turning to Ultra Marathons to get their kicks. In Ultra Marathons runners compete over distances of 50 or 100 miles. The Marathon Des Sables is the most challenging event in the world. Competitors run six marathons in six days through the scorching Sahara desert.

1. FIGURE OUT HOW TO GROW UP, NOT OLD — Each day should be an adventure where you do something different, learn something new and experience anything life throws at you.